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Archives for Thailand Accounting

Export via DHL, Fedex or EMS – VAT question

One of our accounting clients asked a question about VAT on their export.

I would like to know if the export portion of my product sales which is roasted whole coffee beans grown, roasted and packed in Thailand, is classified as 0% VAT? The challenge is that I export only 1 or 2 kg per shipment and it is done by EMS courier and then sent via a Thai Post Office. I do not export from an airport or customs point. Kindly clarify. I have been told conflicting answers and I can’t seem to find a definitive answer. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thai Accountant answered: When you export products from Thailand, you must do it via customs. Sending it by post or EMS, you still can declare it with the Customs Department of Thailand. You need to tell the post office that you want to declare Customs, which normally is done using form EMS Por 256. When exporting your products using DHL or Fedex, you need to tell them that you want to send your products through customs. They will prepare some customs export shipment papers for you.

If you do not have Customs export shipment papers, the Thai Revenue Department will treat your sale as domestic one, which is subject to 7% VAT.

Contact MSNA for your accounting and tax questions.

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BOI for Software Business

If your business is software related, BOI is the best way to set up your business in Thailand.

The BOI promoted company has the following advantages:

  1. The company needs only THB 1 M capital/investment.
  1. The company can be owned 100% by foreigners.
  1. The company can get more work permits for its foreign technicians or experts than non-BOI companies. (Normally, a non-BOI company needs to have at least THB 2M capital for each work permit and must hire 4 Thai employees for each work permit it is getting.)
  1. The promoted company is permitted to own land which is to be used as its location to do software business only.
  1. The promoted company is exempted for the import duty on the machinery (hardware and software.)
  1. The promoted company is exempted for corporate income tax on the net profit generated from the promoted activity for a period of 8 years as from the date it starts to generate such income.
  1. The dividends derived from the promoted activity are also tax exempted.
  1. The promoted company is allowed to transfer money to overseas in foreign currency.

Read Thailand BOI information and contact MSNA for consultation on getting BOI for your software business.


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Tax Implication of buying a condominium in Thailand

One of our tax clients is planning to purchase a condominium unit in Bangkok. He asked us if there is any tax to be paid to the authorities. Today, we answer his question based on two scenarios: if the condominium will be purchased under his name or the company’s name.

  1. When he buys it in his name, he needs to hold it for 5 years otherwise, he has to pay for Specific Business Tax (SBT) 3.3% of the selling price when he sells it on top of the 2% transfer fee and his personal income tax because it will be considered as purchasing a condo for business purpose. However, if he sells the unit after 5 years, he doesn’t have to pay for SBT of 3.3% although he needs to pay for the transfer fee and income tax.
  1. When the purchase is done in company’s name, the company has to pay the transfer fee plus Specific Business Tax 3.3% of the selling price whether he sells it before 5 years or after. Although we are not yet sure how much corporate income tax the company has to pay in the future, tax will be based on the net profit of the company, part of which is the profit from selling the condominium. Furthermore, if he use it personally, when the Revenue Department comes to check the condominium and they know that he is staying there, they will make the company charge him for rent and this will be part of company’s income. The company can also use the depreciation of the condo as company’s expenses.

Contact MSNA for your accounting, tax and other business needs in Thailand.

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Tax Withheld from a Thai Company by another Company Overseas

Today, we answer a question from one of our accounting clients regarding the tax withheld by overseas-based company. Can they recover this cost?

In theory, the tax withheld by another country should be a tax credit to the Thai company, but only if the company makes profit and will have to pay tax, then this tax credit will lower the amount of tax check it has to pay to the Revenue Department.

Hence, to use the withholding tax as tax credit, the company needs the following documents to prove it:

  1. The withholding tax certificate issued by the client overseas, and has to attach its Thai translation too.
  2. The proof of payment for the service on the transaction.

Know more about Thailand withholding tax and how it works. Contact MSNA for your Thailand accounting and tax questions.

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Treatment of Entertainment Expense as add-back portion per Thai Tax Laws

Today, we talk about the entertainment expenses or those expenditures incurred to entertain a client, customer or staff as part of generating income for the business as well as how to treat it as add-back portion according to Thai tax laws.

The Revenues and Expenses are the two vital items in an Income Statement report; the difference between these two items is called the Net Income. Revenues are the income received by a Company usually from sale of goods and services while expenses are the itemized deductions or costs incurred by the company during its course of business. In the Accounting point of view, all the relevant expenses incurred in carrying and doing the business is considered deductible, but in the Tax Laws’ point of view some or a percentage of these expenses are not considered deductible. One good example for this kind of expense is the Entertainment Expense.

The actual entertainment an expense is to be deducted from gross income. However, in the Thai Tax laws, the total deduction of entertainment expenses in an accounting period shall not exceed 0.3 % of total gross revenue or gross sales, or of the paid-up capital, whichever is greater. In addition, the total entertainment expenses allowed for deduction shall not exceed Baht 10 million.

Hence, if Company A incurred entertainment expense amounting to 10,000, total revenue of 100,000 and a shared capital of 200,000, the total add-back portion added to the accounting net income/loss to arrive for the total taxable net income/loss will be the difference between the entertainment expense allowed by law which is 0.03% of the shared capital or the total revenues whichever is higher. In such case it is 200,000 less 10,000 actual entertainment expense incurred per book or 4,000.

Contact MSNA for your Thai accounting and tax questions.

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Tax Implication of Reimbursed Phone Bills from Employees

Today, one of our accounting clients has asked us about any tax implications of reimbursing phone and car expenses to their employees.


As a company policy, we have to reimburse phone bills of our employees provided that their personal phones are used in doing their jobs. When we pay our employees for such expense, do we have to withhold any tax? Please advise.


Normally, when the company provides mobile phone allowance to employees, this benefit will be part of their income and therefore subject to personal income tax. But since it is in your company policy to pay phone bills to your employees who used their personal phones for the company’s business, this is not considered as employee’s benefits and therefore, is not subject to withholding tax. However, you just have to make sure that phone expenses were related to your company’s business and the employees provide the original bill. Phone expenses are to be reimbursed on an actual basis, but should not exceed THB 1,000.

Contact MSNA for your Thailand accounting and tax questions.

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Due date for filing of corporate income tax form for the accounting year ended 31 December 2013

Private company, public company, juristic partnership, foundation and association or any other legal entity with accounting period ended 31 December 2013 are required to file the annual corporate incom tax (Por Ngor Dor 50, Por Ngor Dor 52, Por Ngor Dor 55) on this Friday, 30th May 2014 (within 150 days from the accounting period ending date). For online filing, the due date will be extended for 8 days, and since it falls on a government holiday, the last day for online filing is on Monday, 9th June 2014.

Please make sure that you file the tax forms correctly and accurately. Contact MSNA for your Thailand accounting and tax questions.

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Proposed extension of reduction of VAT and Corporate Income Tax Rate

The Director-General of the Revenue Department has recently proposed some tax measures to the Minister of Finance. Such measures are as follows:

  1. Extension of 7% standard rate of VAT for an additional year after the current reduction (from 10%) expires on 30 September 2014;
  2. Extension of 20% corporate income tax rate for an additional year after the rate expires at the end of the 2014 accounting period.

Once it got approved by the Ministry of Finance, the proposals will be passed to the Cabinet for review.

Contact MSNA for your Thai accounting and tax questions.

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House, Building and Land Tax in Thailand

Is there such thing as house tax in Thailand? If so, what is the tax rate? How about the land where the house is situated?


In Thailand, the rate of tax is 12.5% of the actual or imputed annual rental value of the property of owners of land or house and buildings, used for any purpose, with the exception of owner-occupied residences.

If houses or buildings on the land are owned by a person other than the owner of the land, the owner of the buildings is liable for the tax.

Damaged buildings are subject to a reduced valuation in proportion to the extent of the damage. Reductions also made pro rata where buildings have become unoccupied during the year.

Exceptions to the house and land tax are as follows:

(a) Royal palaces owned by the Crown

(b) Buildings owned by the government and which are utilized for public purposes

(c) Public hospitals and educational institutions not operated for profit

(d) Religious buildings

(e) Buildings unoccupied for a period of 12 months or more

(f) Buildings used as the personal residence of the owner

The taxpayer is required to file a tax return within February of each year at the municipal or district office where the land and buildings are located. Tax must be paid within 30 days after notification of the tax assessment.

In case of failure to file a tax return, there will be a penalty of Baht 200.

Furthermore, a penalty of 2.5% of the tax liability will be imposed if the tax is paid during the first month following the due date for payment, rising to 5% for the second month, 7.5% for the third month and 10% for the fourth month. After the fourth month, the authorities have the right to seize and sell the property in order to collect the arrears.

Contact MSNA for your Thai accounting and tax questions.

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Thai Personal Income Tax Exemptions

Is there any exemption from personal income tax in Thailand?


Yes, there are certain types of income that are exempt from personal income tax in Thailand. In respect of income from employment, money derived in the form of per diem, traveling expenses and certain fringe benefits such as medical treatment are tax exempt. The exemptions also cover the share of profit obtained from a non-juristic body of persons, maintenance income derived under moral obligation, corpus of a legacy or inheritance, income of a mutual fund or from the sale of investment units in a mutual fund, etc.

Contact MSNA for you Thai accounting and tax questions.

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