According to Section 41 of the Revenue Code of the Thai Revenue Department, foreigners have the duty to file their taxes in Thailand as below:
Income derived in Thailand
If a foreigner has income from sources within Thailand either by employment, own business or assets located in Thailand, such income is subject to income tax whether such income is paid within or outside Thailand.
Income derived outside Thailand
If a foreigner has income outside Thailand, such income is subject to Thailand income tax if these two conditions are met:
Such income has been incurred in any tax year starting from 1 January 2024 onward by a foreigner who stays in Thailand for 180 days or more in a tax year, and;
Such income earned from 1 January 2024 has been remitted or brought into Thailand (whether wholly or partially) in any tax year from 2024 onward
For instance, a Burmese who lives in Thailand for at least 180 days in 2024 with income from Myanmar or another country brings the money earned before 2024 into Thailand in 2024, then it will not be taxed. If he/she brings the money earned in 2024 into Thailand in 2025, then it will be taxed in 2025. However, if he/she has income earned outside Thailand but he/she is not a tax resident in Thailand and brought or remitted such income into Thailand later, it is not subject to Thai tax because he/she did not stay in Thailand for 180 days or more during the tax year.
Tax Returns to be Filed
If he has income derived from employment in Thailand only, he must submit the personal income tax return P.N.D. 91.
If he has income derived within Thailand and outside Thailand or just from outside Thailand, he must submit the personal income tax return P.N.D. 90.
MSNA Group can not only help Burmese people on how to do business in Thailand, we can also help you with Thailand taxes. If you need assistance in filing your personal income tax returns in Thailand, you come to the right place. Contact us now for more information.
Today, a client whom we helped register a 100% Myanmar owned export company in Thailand asked us if it is necessary for them to be registered in the VAT system. Here is our response:
Normally, a company is required to register into the VAT system if the gross sale has reached 1.8 million Baht in a year or the company hires foreigners and needs to apply for a work permit because the VAT registration certificate is one of the documents requested by the Thai immigration bureau. Anyway, the company may choose to register into the VAT system before that. And once you are registered into the VAT system, you have to submit your monthly VAT returns (PP.30) with or without sale transactions. You can decide to apply for VAT refund from the Revenue Department later but keep in mind that the tax officer will request to see all supporting documents before giving you the refund.
Thai Lawyers can help you register the company into the VAT system. MSNA Group can handle bookkeeping, accounting, tax filing and consultation on Thai taxes. We will ensure that you’re your documents are properly kept in files for easier reference when tax authorities request to see them. We can also assist you in representing your company with the Revenue Department especially when you apply for VAT refund. However, we will not be responsible to speed up the process because it is up to the tax officials when they can finish checking your documents and consider your application to claim VAT. You may find helpful information on what to do once a company is registered in the VAT system, and how withholding taxes in Thailand work.
In one of our previous posts, we talked about personal allowance for parents that is allowed for the computation of Personal Income Tax and filing with the Revenue Department. However, only Thai citizens can use parents allowance for computation of Thai Personal Income Tax.
In this article, we would like to explain that if you and your spouse (who is not working and has no income) support your parents, you may use a parental care allowance of THB 15,000 for each qualified parent given that they meet the following conditions:
You/your spouse is a legitimate child (not adopted) of the parent
At the end of the year, either of your mother and father is at least 60 years of age and must be under your care and financial support
Your qualified parent must not have assessable income exceeding THB 30,000 (including exempted income)
For each qualified parent you are claiming the allowance, you must provide a Parental Care Certificate showing their personal Identification Number and the amount of the allowance. However, if you have a sibling who is also supporting your parents, only one can claim for a parental care allowance.
On the other hand, if you are a non-Thai taxpayer, you can claim for parental care allowance if your qualified parent is a Thai citizen.
Contact MSNA for assistance in filing your personal income tax returns in Thailand.
The Double Taxation Agreement or DTA is a tax treaty between 2 countries. Currently Thailand has double taxation treaties with 61 foreign countries which cover taxes on income and capital of individuals and juristic entities.
In order to be considered a Thai tax resident and be entitled to treaty benefits, a tax payer must be one of the following:
An individual who stays in Thailand for a consecutive 180 days or more in a tax year;
A juristic person who is registered under the Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand
A Double Taxation Agreement applies to only income taxes such as personal income tax, corporate income tax and petroleum income tax. Other indirect taxes such as the Value Added Tax (VAT) and Specific Business Tax (SBT) are not covered by the DTA. Although the DTA does not specify any specific amount of income and tax rate in general, it prescribes whether the source or resident country is entitled to tax on certain income. If the source country has taxing rights, the income will be taxable according to the domestic laws of that country.
A Double Taxation Agreement also stipulates a tax rate level on investment income such as dividends, interests and royalties. Therefore, the source country can tax such income at a rate not exceeding the rate prescribed within the treaty. Normally, the tax rates within the DTA are lower compared to the domestic tax rates in order to decrease tax impediments to cross border trade and investment. However, some articles of the DTA clearly do not accept the source country to exercise taxing rights on income such as income from international air transport and business profits provided that the business is not carried through a permanent entity in the source country.
In general, Thai double taxation treaties place a resident of the foreign country in a more favorable position for Thai tax purposes than under the domestic law, for example, the Thai Revenue Code of the Revenue Department. It provides income tax exemption on business profits (industrial and commercial profits) earned in Thailand by a resident of a foreign country if it does not have a permanent establishment in Thailand. In addition, the withholding taxes on payments of income to foreign juristic entities not carrying on business in Thailand may be reduced or exempted under the double taxation treaties.
Thai taxation has a unique tax structure thus, consulting with Thai tax experts is highly recommended. Consult with MSNA Group, for the best Thai tax advice.
In one of our previous posts, we talked about Tax Clearance Certificate, which is a certificate issued by the Revenue Department to a non-Thai tax resident who is departing Thailand to indicate that he has already paid taxes or that he has provided a guarantor or securities as guarantee for tax liabilities and tax payable. In this post, we want to give more information about the types of tax clearance certificate in Thailand.
There are 2 types of Tax Clearance Certificate:
P. 3 Tax Clearance Certificate
This is issued to a foreigner who is temporarily departing Thailand. It is valid for a single departure and must be used within 15 days from the issuance date. If he/she could not depart Thailand within the specified period, P.3 Tax Clearance Certificate becomes invalid unless he/she renewed it before the expiry date.
P.3.1 Tax Clearance Certificate
This is issued to a foreigner who enters and leaves Thailand on a regular basis due to his/her business or profession. It is valid for multiple departure within the specified period in the Tax Clearance Certificate but not exceeding 180 days from the issuance date. P.3.1 Tax Clearance Certificate cannot be renewed.
Consult with MSNA how to get a Tax Clearance Certificate.