Our monthly accounting and tax services include preparation of the compulsory input VAT and output VAT reports for the clients. We deliver everything as promised within the agreed upon deadline and make sure that the client’s accounts are prepared accurately. Thus, whenever we send the report to the clients, we ask them to check the report that we prepared because there have been cases where:

1. The clients go back and change the amount in some tax invoices and fail to inform us and send us the updated version

2. The clients did not send us all the tax invoices they issued during the month and assumed that they sent everything to us already then, the issue arises when some tax invoices where not included in the Sale VAT report which resulted to huge amount of Value Added Tax to pay to the Revenue Department

We therefore learned that we must get the clients to confirm that the monthly VAT report has the correct details of all the tax invoices issued during the month and the amounts are the same as the original invoices.

With our extensive knowledge and expertise in the Thai accounting and tax laws, we ensure that we provide valuable source of advice and solutions to our clients. If you are looking for an international standard professional services providers at reasonable prices, MSNA is your right partner.