According to Section 41 of the Revenue Code of the Thai Revenue Department, foreigners have the duty to file their taxes in Thailand as below:

  1. Income derived in Thailand

If a foreigner has income from sources within Thailand either by employment, own business or assets located in Thailand, such income is subject to income tax whether such income is paid within or outside Thailand.

  • Income derived outside Thailand

If a foreigner has income outside Thailand, such income is subject to Thailand income tax if these two conditions are met:

  • Such income has been incurred in any tax year starting from 1 January 2024 onward by a foreigner who stays in Thailand for 180 days or more in a tax year, and;
  • Such income earned from 1 January 2024 has been remitted or brought into Thailand (whether wholly or partially) in any tax year from 2024 onward

For instance, a Burmese who lives in Thailand for at least 180 days in 2024 with income from Myanmar or another country brings the money earned before 2024 into Thailand in 2024, then it will not be taxed. If he/she brings the money earned in 2024 into Thailand in 2025, then it will be taxed in 2025. However, if he/she has income earned outside Thailand but he/she is not a tax resident in Thailand and brought or remitted such income into Thailand later, it is not subject to Thai tax because he/she did not stay in Thailand for 180 days or more during the tax year.

Tax Returns to be Filed

If he has income derived from employment in Thailand only, he must submit the personal income tax return P.N.D. 91.

If he has income derived within Thailand and outside Thailand or just from outside Thailand, he must submit the personal income tax return P.N.D. 90.

MSNA Group can not only help Burmese people on how to do business in Thailand, we can also help you with Thailand taxes. If you need assistance in filing your personal income tax returns in Thailand, you come to the right place. Contact us now for more information.