Here we want to talk about writing off debts by companies which can happen when the creditors are related to the company (shareholders, group companies, etc). Thai accountant should know how to treat writing off debts by companies on the accounting books. You have to recognize the amounts as the company’s income. They are part of the profit to calculate corporate income tax for the year.
When you are closing down a Thai limited Company, most likely the company still has liabilities in its accounting books. You need to send a registered mail to each creditor to let them know you have decided to close down. This is so that if they have money owed by the company, they will know where to contact the liquidator. If you do not pay any of the debts, it will become an income. The treatment is the same as writing off debts by companies.
Do you need to pay VAT on the income recognized from writing off debts? Thai Tax Law does not impose VAT on revenue from forgiven debts as it is not compensation from selling goods or services. To summarize, when writing off debts by companies, you need to consider how much corporate tax the company will pay. In case of closing down the company, if you choose to leave the liabilities on the books, the Thai revenue department will make you recognize them as incomes which may make the company have a profit, thus pay tax, anyway.
For accounting, audit, closing down companies, etc., contact MSNA Group now.