Myanmar nationals can engage in tourism business activities in Thailand provided that they have a Thai partner to hold the majority of the shares of the company. This is in compliance with the rules and procedures as prescribed by Tourism and Tourist Guide Business Act B.E. 2551 (2008). Once the company is registered as a tourism business with the Department of Business Development of the Ministry of Commerce, it has to obtain a tourism business license (TAT license) from the Department of Tourism. In order to be eligible for a tourism license, the company must meet the following conditions:

  1. Being a limited company registered in Thailand having objective of operating tourism-related business
  2. Thai individuals or juristic person must hold at least 51% of the company’s registered capital
  3. Majority of company directors must be Thai nationals
  4. The authorized director(s) must be Thai nationals, at least 20 years old at the time of application, and a resident of Thailand

Tourism-related business activities within and outside Thailand are as follows:

  • Tour business
  • Tourist hotels business
  • Business related to restaurants, service places and resorts for tourists
  • Business related to the sale of souvenirs or other items for tourists
  • Business related to sports for tourists
  • Exhibition, shows, trade fairs, promotional advertisement or any other activities with the aim of encouraging and promoting tourism

Thai Lawyers of MSNA Group can help you register the Thai limited company and obtain the TAT license for your tourism business.