The Foreign Business Act of 1999 has identified 3 lists of activities in which foreigners may be prohibited or restricted.

Business activities in List 1 are designated as “businesses prohibited to foreigners to operate due to special reasons. Meaning, foreigners or foreign owned companies are completely restricted from engaging in the activities in List 1. Such business activities are as follows:-

  1. The Press, radio broadcasting station or radio and television station business
  2. Rice farming, plantation or crop growing
  3. Livestock farming
  4. Forestry and timber processing from a natural forest
  5. Fishery, only in respect of the catchment of aquatic animals in Thai waters and specific economic zones of Thailand
  6. Extraction of Thai medicinal herbs
  7. Trading and auction sale of antique objects of Thailand or objects of historical value of the country
  8. Making or casting Buddha images and monk alms-bowls
  9. Land trading

Although other activities that are not mentioned above may be permitted to foreigners, Section 6 of the Foreign Business Act states that foreigners may not operate any business within Thailand if he/she has been deported or whose deportation is pending or if he/she is entering and staying in Thailand without permission under the Immigration law or other laws.

Learn more about the Foreign Business Act and the business activities that you may be able to do in Thailand. Contact Thai Lawyers now for an online consultation.